Escentric Molecules FAQs

  • Occasionally we hear of people who cannot smell Molecule 01. This could be due to one of the following factors:

    a) The only ingredient in Molecule 01 is the aroma-molecule Iso E Super. This is one of a group of fragrance materials, such as musk, that some people are highly sensitive to, while others find them hard to detect. Most people, however, detect these ingredients within a normal range of sensitivity.

    b) Geza Schoen, creator of Escentric Molecules, describes Iso E Super as "less an aroma than an effect which lends an indefinable radiance to the wearer". It's one of the mysterious qualities of Iso E Super that it seems to vanish and re-appear. This is because of the way it bonds with receptors in the olfactory system, only slowly releasing to make way for a fresh charge of the molecule on the receptors.

    c) It’s possible that you may be experiencing anosmia or hyposmia. Anosmia is smell-blindness and can be brought on by factors such as a blocked nose during a cold, chronic sinusitis, or allergy (hay fever). You can also experience post viral anosmia that continues after the virus has left the body.

    Hyposmia, which is partial smell-blindness, is somewhat more common. Some people are hyposmic for one particular smell, such as musk, or Iso E Super. Again, in most cases, this is temporary. Regular users may become hyposmic to Iso E Super. In these circumstances we recommend customers take a break from the fragrance for one month.

    If you find Molecule 01 hard to detect, you may want to try Escentric 01. Escentric 01 contains 65% of Iso E Super blended with other ingredients chosen to pull out and enhance its scent profile. So you could say Escentric 01 is a hyper-portrait of Iso E Super, permitting you to experience its key characteristics, even if you have a low sensitivity to Iso E Super itself.